Thursday, July 25, 2013

Grandma's Shallots

Andrew's grandma, Carmelle, gave us some shallots to plant in our garden. They are a true family heirloom: she brought them from Quebec and saved them year after year, until they were placed into Andrew's hands with a blessing. They are some of the most interesting veggies we've ever grown. Not only do they clone themselves like garlic, they grow bulbs on the end of their stalk, which fall over and re-root themselves like a chain. I dug some up today and had fun painting them on this rainy afternoon. Thanks, grandma!

Here is my sister, the Italian chef holding a shallot at a younger stage. When she visited last month we needed onions for a meal and this was the closest alternative in the garden. We ate the green parts too! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Islesford Dock Gallery

Thanks to the Islesford Dock Gallery for showing my paintings this summer. Be sure to stop in to check out all the great artists featured there this year! Some new and interesting artists include Daniel Minter, an African-American artist from Georgia and John Urbain, a Belgian-American artist and poet from Detroit.
Daniel Minter: Judgment House, mixed media acrylic wood, 50x24x10"
John Urbain: Homage to Dylan Thomas, mixed media/collage on illustration board, 9x15"
Below are some of my own that can be seen among these brilliant artists this summer.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Doug!

Our housemate, Doug turned 30 today! To honor this milestone, I made him a birthday painting of my new favorite vegetable, the Hakurei turnip. It is a vegetable he introduced to Andrew and I last fall when he moved in and planted a few things in the garden. We were delighted! Both by the arrival of this turnip, and by the arrival of Doug, who like the turnip, is sweet and tender!
Doug works managing a vegetable farm in Concord, MA on Thoreau's old farm. It is called Gaining Ground and serves to provide free vegetables to the underprivileged. Not only does he do genuinely good work in the world, he is a genuine good guy, just like Thoreau. Happy birthday, Doug!